
Name: Li Jing

Gender: Female

Title: Associate Professor

Degree: Doctor

Major: Micro/Nano Technology

Email: lijingbuaa@163.com, lijing79@kuvionuotit.net

Research Fields: Rare earth polishing materials and boundary surface chemistry

Education and Work Experience

1997.09-2001.07: East China Normal University, Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry

2001.07-2004.07: East China Normal University, Master’s degree in Inorganic Chemistry.

2004.07-2007.07: Nanchang University, College of Science, Department of Chemistry, Teaching assistant

2006.09-2011.01: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA), Ph.D. degree in Micro/Nano Technology

2007.07-2020.12: Nanchang University, School of Chemistry, Lecturer

2020.12-Present: Nanchang University, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering/Rare Earth Research Institute, Associate Professor, obtained Master's supervisor qualification in 立博

2022.2-2023.2: Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, Visiting Scholar


Lecture for undergraduate courses Inorganic Chemistry, “College Chemistry, Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Introduction to Rare Earths, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry. Among them, Inorganic Chemistry is a high-quality online open course of Jiangxi Province and a school level high-quality online open course. Participated in editing textbooks of “College Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry.

Research Fields

Mainly engaged in research on the size, morphology, crystal plane control synthesis and application performance of rare earth polishing materials, hosted 2 sub-projects of the National Key R&D Program, 1 project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 2 horizontal projects. Published more than 10 papers in academic journals such as Chem Eng J, RSC Adv, ACS Omega, etc., and was granted over 10 invention patents. 2022.2-2023.2, visited Professor Kim Taesung's group at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea and conduct research on the application of nano ceria polishing materials in integrated circuits STI and ILD processes.

Research Projects

[1] Sub-project of National Key R&D Program (2022YFC2905202), high purity nano rare earth oxide preparation technology and equipment for high-end polishing applications, RMB 969600, 2022.10-2025.9

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China (21965020), morphology effect and valence state distribution regulation of ceria nanoparticles for ultra-high-precision polishing materials, RMB 400000, 2020.1-2023.12

[3] Sub- project of National Key R&D Program (2019YFC0605000), Study on the correlation between the extraction efficiency of ion adsorption rare earth and mineral characteristics, RMB 311000, 2019.12-2022.11.

[4] Horizontal project, Study on microanalytical measurement of interference combustion products, RMB 180000, 2018.9-2019.12.

[5] Open fund of key laboratory of ultra-precision processing technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics (KF13005), Research on the preparation technology of sub-micron ceria polishing powder, RMB 300000, 2013.7-2015.7

[6] Horizontal project, Modification of micro and nano adsorbents and efficient recovery of low concentration rare earth in wastewater, RMB 300000, 2011.6-2015.6

Professional affiliation

Secretary General of Rare Earth Polishing Materials and Boundary Surface Control Processing Technology Professional Committee, China Rare Earth Society.


[1] "Preparation and Application Technology of Rare Earth Carbonate Precursors and New Rare Earth Polishing Materials", Second Prize of Jiangxi Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award

[2] "New Technology for Water Consumption Saving and Emission Reduction in High Purity Rare Earth Production Process", Second Prize of China Rare Earth Science and Technology Progress Award

Representative papers and patents

[1] Li J, C MM, Sun MY, Tang GP, Zhou XZ, Zhou XM, Li YX. Preparation of Submicron Ceria Polishing Powder via Hydrothermal-Calcination Method, Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths, 201634(1): 44-49.

[2] Li J, C MM, Sun MY, Tang GP, Li XY, Zhou XZ, Zhou XM, Li YX. Preparation of Monodispersed Nano ceria Polishing Powder via Mechanochemical Method by Using Cerium Hydroxide Carbonate Large Pellets as Precursor, Chinese Rare Earths, 2016, 37(3): 1-6.

[3] Li J*, Wang CB, Zhu XJ, Wu T, Tang BB, Li YX. Synthesis of hierarchical CeO2 octahedrons with tunable size and the catalytic properties. Materials Letters, 2019, 240: 73-76.

[4] Wu T, Li J*, Zhu MX, Zhou XZ, Li YX. Preparation of Ceria Polishing Powder by Wet Solid Phase Mechanical Method, Chinese Rare Earths, 2020, 41(5): 1-10.

[5] Li YX, Wang XL, Ding LM, Li Y, He RC, Li J*. Changing the calcination temperature to tune the microstructure and polishing properties of ceria octahedrons . RSC Advances, 2022,12,16554-16560.

[6] Li J, He RC, Guo GH, Li Y, Liao YY, Li YX. Synthesis of hierarchical layered quasi-triangular Ce(OH)CO3 and its thermal conversion to ceria with high polishing performance. ACS Omega, 2023, 8, 8519-8529.

[7] Liao YY, He RC, Pan WH, Li Y, Wang YY, Li J*, Li YX. Lattice distortion induced Ce-doped NiFe-LDH for efficient oxygen evolutionChemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 464: 142669.

[8] Li J, Chang MM, Peng H, Zhou XM, Li DP, Li YX. Growth of elongated tetrahexahedral gold nanoparticles with high-index facets and their enhanced electrocatalytic properties. Materials Letters, 2014, 120: 216-218.

[9] Li J, Chang MM, Zhou XM, Li DP, Li YX. Facile synthesis of gold nanopuncheons with high-index facets and their SERS effects on Rhodamine 6G. Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 59: 150-153.

[10] Li J, Wang LH, Liu L, Guo L, Han XD, Zhang Z. Synthesis of Tetrahexahedral Au Nanocrystals with Exposed High-index Surfaces. Chemical Communications. 2010, 46(28): 5109-5111.

[11] Invention PatentPreparation method of titanium dioxide loaded cerium oxide polishing powder, Patent NoZL201310004064.4InventorLi YXXiang SYZhou XMLi JZhou XZLi DPLiu YZ

[12] Invention PatentProduction method of high bulk density fine particle low chloride rare earth carbonate and oxidePatent NoZL201310624215.6InventorLi YXDing LZhou XMZhang SHFang ZXZhou XZLi JLiu YZLi DPHan MXShen SF

[13] Invention PatentPreparation method of fine-grained high bulk density spherical rare earth carbonate and its oxidePatent NoZL201310268385.5InventorLi YXDing LZhou XMPeng HZhou XZLi J

[14] Invention PatentA method for preparing rare earth carbonate and its material recycling and utilization, Patent NoZL201310114706.6InventorLi YXDing LZhou XMSong LSZhou XZLiu YZ, Li J

[15] Invention PatentA Method for Preparing High Purity Single Crystal and Dense Aggregated Cerium CarbonatePatent NoZL202010799200.7InventorZhou XZZhu MXDing LMLi JLi YX

[16] Invention PatentPreparation method of cerium based oxide materials and their precursorsApplication No立博11236188.6InventorLi YXDing LMLi JZhou XZWang XL, Pan WH, Liu YZ, Li DP